This heart of mine,
has wept,tears of joy,
tears of pain.
Grief and Pride
together outweighed.
This heart of mine,
has kept hidden,
memories of you and me,
for all eternity.
The laughter we shared,
the pain we endured.
This heart of mine,
has hoped for a life,
better and brighter.
My prayers intact,
despite life's lack of tact.
This heart of mine,
has wondered a million times,
why it endures,
this loneliness.
In all its glory,
this profound misery.
Yet this heart of mine,
has loved you all these years,
never changing its course,
even after you left.
you said, you like ppl but enjoy their absence... that is profound... I was just thinking to myself, i wish i had someone close enough too to share my soul.... then i realized, if i did, my soul would lose its depth, love, poetry and power... I need the loneliness to be a soul man...anyway your poems are moving thankyou
Thank you for the comment :D
they who love n lose. . .yet believe in love. . .
they who cry over love. . .but smiles over tears choose. . .
they who embrace loves' absence at a lover's departure. . .
they are. . .loves' true martyr. . .
great poem love. . .heart-felt. . .
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